Education: Information & Communication Technologies and their Social Impact

Title: Information and Communication Technologies’ impact on society
Discipline(s) or Field(s): Technology and Education
Authors: Len Bogner, Evan Sveum, Kevin Olson and Pete Schlosser, University of Wisconsin – Stout
Submission Date: Fall 2005

Summary: The group came up with two learning goals for the course that fits into the larger objective of describing technology and its impact on individuals and the global society. First, expose the students to current topics in technology and how they relate to Information and Communication Technologies and second make the student aware of how Information and Communication Technologies affect us as individuals and as a global society. The team decided to use the laptop technology provided by the university in the lesson study.

Learning Goals:

  • Expose the students to current topics in technology and how they relate to Information and Communication Technologies
  • Make the student aware of how Information and Communication Technologies affect us as individuals and as a global society

The goals relate back to the course objective of “describing technology and its impact on individuals and the global society.”

Conclusions: Members of the Lesson Study team all agreed that they felt that the student learning goals were met. There was discussion about the verbs used in the goals. Exposure and awareness are not very measurable words. However, this was a 100 level introduction course and the learning goals were part of a larger course objective. The team, after revisiting the subject, believed that the verbs were appropriate. So the evidence of student learning, in the very limited scope of expose and awareness to the subject, was supported.

Some of the teams’ members were going to develop similar activities for other courses that they taught. They felt that using this activity repeatedly in a course could be an effective instrument in showing the students how to use the laptops for research in answering questions and a way to introduce new subjects.

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