Title: Hawk or Handsaw? Researching Hamlet’s Madness. A Theatre Studies Library Lesson Study Plan
Discipline(s) or Field(s): Theatre Arts and Information Literacy
Authors: Beth Cherne, Walter Elder (Theatre Arts), Michael Current, Cris Prucha (Murphy Library), University of Wisconsin – La Crosse
Submission Date: August 21, 2007
Executive Summary
Learning goals were to introduce and deepen students’ knowledge and interest in library resources for theatre research. We wanted to ignite their curiosity and thrill them with the possibilities of finding information for their use in work for the stage. We designed a worksheet of questions, based on real-world scholars’ debates about Shakespeare’s Hamlet and interpretations of the title character. We found that when given a structure and real questions, students dug in and found strong information.
Theatre Arts / Library Lesson Study: Researching Hamlet’s Madness (Final Report)
Class Assignment (appendix)